NOIC – 2015 Peter Schiff DVD

NOIC – 2015 Peter Schiff DVD


Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is one of the few widely known economists and investment professionals to have spoken about the financial crisis before it began. As a result of his frequent media appearances and written commentaries on the economy, the stock market, real estate, commodities, gold, currencies and politics he become one of the most recognizable figures in the financial world. He is a widely followed opponent of debt-fueled growth policies and known for his advocacy for emerging market and commodity-focused investments in countries with positive fiscal characteristics.

Mr. Schiff has been quoted hundreds of times in leading news outlets around the world, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Die Zeit, Tokyo Shinbun, South China Morning Post, Investor’s Business Daily, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post. He regularly appears on CNBC, CNN, Fox News and Fox Business Network. His best-selling book, “Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse,” was published by Wiley & Sons in February of 2007. His most recent book, “The Real Crash – America’s Coming Bankruptcy,” was published by St. Martin’s Press in 2014.

He is also the owner of SchiffGold, a company specializing in the sale of gold and silver bullion. He unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for Senate in 2010 in his home state of Connecticut. He currently resides there with his wife and two sons.


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