Dominic Frisby

Dominic Frisby headshot

Dominic Frisby


Dominic has an usual double life as a financial writer and comedian. His Substack, The Flying Frisby, is one of the UK’s most popular financial newsletters. While his latest comic song was recently shared by Elon Musk and had over 50 million views.

He has written three popular books:  Daylight Robbery: How Tax Shaped Our Past and Will Change Our Future (2018). Matt Ridley called it, “A tour de force”. Nigel Farage said it was, “a brilliant book”. Bitcoin: the Future of Money? (2014) Richard Branson said to “read it and glimpse into the future.” And Life After the State: Why We Don’t Need Government (2013), which also won widespread praise.

He is currently working on a fourth book, the Secret History of Gold.

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