Adam Taggart

Adam Taggart headshot

Adam Taggart


Adam has always thought it’s criminal how our education system doesn’t teach us about money — how to earn, manage, save or invest it.

Think about it. How many of your high school or college classes focused on this?

If your experience is like most people’s, probably zero. Which Adam thinks is bizarre. The goal of education is to serve as a springboard into a prosperous life. But how can we expect to become financially prosperous if our schooling ignores teaching us about money??

This is why Adam has made advancing financial literacy his mission in life.

Fresh out of college from Brown University, he developed a boots-on-the-ground understanding of the financial markets working as an investment banker in New York City for Merrill Lynch. Allergic to Wall Street’s shark-eat-shark culture, Adam headed west to get his MBA from Stanford, graduating at the height of the dot-com revolution.

He joined a Silicon Valley start-up and, after it was acquired, was hired as the Head of Marketing for Yahoo! Finance, then the largest money forum on the entire internet. That’s where Adam really honed his understanding of the needs, vulnerabilities and dreams that conscientious people like you have around their finances.

Over the next decade, Adam rose up through the ranks at Yahoo!, eventually becoming the Vice President of Marketing for all of North America. It was an amazing role; but the pull to return to his roots of helping people prudently build wealth was strong.

So strong that he slipped his golden handcuffs and co-founded Peak Prosperity, where he spent the next decade educating millions of people around the world on how to become more prosperous in all aspects of life. The key tenets of his framework can be found in the book he co-authored: ”Prosper: How To Prepare For The Future & Create A World Worth Inheriting”, the forward of which was written by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the #1 best selling personal finance book in history.

Then the pandemic hit, upending the financial lives of countless people worldwide. So Adam created the global movement that’s now known as Thoughtful Money, which delivers practical & timely expert insights essential for achieving your wealth goals, and then connects you with seasoned, trustworthy professional financial advisors who put these insights into action for you.

To-date, Adam’s efforts have educated and informed millions of people just like you, and directed over a half a $billion of their investment capital into good protection and stewardship – achievements he’s very proud of because he predicts even more challenging times lie ahead for the unprepared investor.

If he can help you, too, that would make him even happier.

When away from his desk, Adam can usually be found outside with his two labradors, Boston and Bodega. Or on the pickleball court. Or in his garage gym working on his deadlifts & pull-ups.

He lives in northern California with his wife, Ashley, and their two daughters, Merritt and Charlotte — the only wealth in his life that truly matters.

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