Not since the 1970s has the world faced such a formidable and uncertain investing environment.
The risks — and opportunities — facing us today are decades in the making.
And just in time comes a blockbuster event…a gathering that will be talked about for years to come…showing investors how to navigate the turbulence ahead.
It’s all happening at the 49th annual New Orleans Investment Conference, being held from November 1-4 in the heart of all the music, food and fun of “the city that care forgot.”
Inside our event, however, we’re going to get serious, and fully address the compelling issues facing investors today.
With the interest rate hiking cycle now peaking, markets are beginning to look ahead to rate cuts.
This move is already beginning...
...And the opportunities for investors who are properly positioned are nothing short of extraordinary — while the risks for those who aren’t have never been greater.
It’s perfect timing for the legendary “granddaddy of investment events”...and that’s why we’re pulling out all the stops, with an agenda like nothing before.
All The Best
— In One Place…At One Time…In Person
True to the nearly five-decade tradition of the New Orleans Investment Conference, we’re addressing all the major asset classes (with an emphasis on precious metals and mining at this crucial turning point)...
...Plus top-level analyses and forecasts for the economy and the geopolitical issues that drive it all.
And these vital topics will be covered by an extraordinary roster of experts:
- Matt Taibbi — noted journalist and the one individual most responsible for exposing the rash of government-sponsored censorship in recent years, Matt will provide attendees with an exclusive briefing on the latest assaults on your liberties.
- Jim Rickards — Lawyer, economist, investment banker and cutting-edge analyst, Jim will provide views into today’s most compelling trends from angles you will have never contemplated before.
- Danielle DiMartino Booth — Distinguished by a career on both Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, Booth will give you frank, prescient observations from a true insider’s perspective.
- Lyn Alden — Widely regarded as one of today’s most cogent and insightful macro-economic analysts, Lyn is traveling to New Orleans to clearly outline the remarkable forces at work today...put them into historical perspective...and provide her trademark deadly-accurate forecasts.
- Jim Iuorio — After serving as the resident contrarian on both CNBC and Fox Business, Jim is well-prepared — and eager — to give us fearless predictions, gutsy opinions and high-powered trading ideas.
- Rick Rule — Perhaps the most successful resource speculator ever, Rick is fully retired and promises that he’s going to open up like never before in New Orleans. If you thought he was frank and through-provoking before, wait until you hear Rick Rule unmuzzled!
- Peter Boockvar — One of the most influential and highly regarded market analysts in the world today, Peter always shares insights with our New Orleans audiences that he’d never dare to present on CNBC.
- George Gammon — The master real estate investor, entrepreneur and teacher of macro economics on YouTube brings his unique talents and dynamic style to show you where the markets are headed and why.
- James Stack — Simply the most accurate market analyst and timer...not just for today but for decades...Jim is the man who has predicted every bursting bubble of recent times. Jim’s bringing his crystal ball, backed by reams of proprietary technical analysis, to show us what lies ahead.
- Dave Collum — Professor of Organic Chemistry at Cornell, die-hard libertarian and enthusiastic curmudgeon of the Internet, Dave will blow away the fog of confusion and bull dominating the economic and political conversation of the day.
- Brent Johnson — Contrarian fund manager and originator of the controversial “Milkshake Theory,” Brent will bring his brand of thought-provoking — and profitable — market analysis to New Orleans.
- Dominic Frisby — British author, libertarian, economist and comedian, one wonders if there’s anything Dominic can’t do. He’s flying across the pond to give us views that are both enlightening and entertaining.
- Tavi Costa — The macro master of financial social media, Tavi is the portfolio manager for Crescat Capital and widely regarded as one of today’s more brilliant analysts, using his 16 proprietary factors to predict market shifts with deadly accuracy.
- The Real Estate Guys — Robert Helms and Russ Gray, the masters of property and tangible asset investing, return with fascinating new insights — including an innovative and powerful new strategy for using your precious metals to acquire income-producing you the best of both worlds!
- Brien Lundin — Last but not least, the editor of Gold Newsletter (the world's longest-running metals and mining letter) and the host of the New Orleans Conference always saves his best forecasts and stock tips for this event. With some of his recent junior mining stock picks soaring as much as 80 times in value, you won’t want to miss his presentation!
PLUS: Sean Brodrick...Lobo Tiggre...James Lavish...Peter Schiff…Adam Taggart…Economic Ninja…Jeff Hirsch…Mark Skousen...Adrian Day...Gwen Preston...Bill Murphy...Chris Powell...Robert Prechter...Mary Anne and Pamela Aden...Omar Ayales... Brent Cook... Albert Lu...Steve Hochberg...Dana Samuelson...Nick Hodge...Rich Checkan...Sean Brodrick... Gerardo Del Real...Keith Weiner...Gary Alexander...and more!
It’s a roster the likes of which won’t be found anywhere else — packed with the most insightful experts in today’s markets.
And they’ll not only delight you with their compelling presentations, but also participate in scintillating panels on Precious Metals...Mining Stocks...Gold, Crypto & Cash: The Future of Money...and The Economy, plus our “Booms, Busts and Bubbles” Panel...and our Geopolitical Panel.
It’s going to be the blockbuster event for investors from around the world, and it’s coming at a crucial time in the global economy and markets.
This is what the New Orleans Conference
was built for.
In our 49-year history, the New Orleans Investment Conference has never failed to deliver rich returns (and wealth-protecting strategies) during times of market uncertainty.
It’s why — as you’ll see in a moment — we can guarantee that you’ll find this year’s event to be worth many times your cost to attend.
You see, it’s not unusual to see stocks recommended at the Conference double...triple...even multiply 10, 20 and more times in value in the days and weeks afterward.
That’s because the New Orleans Conference is the most important investment gathering of the year, and brings together the brightest, most successful analysts and investors.
How special is this event?
- It’s attracted dozens of the most celebrated figures in modern history, including Lady Margaret Thatcher, Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Barry Goldwater, Steve Forbes, Henry Kissinger, Ron Paul and more.
- It boasts a reputation of inviting only the most successful and deadly-accurate analysts — many of whom save their best recommendations to unveil on our stage.
- It’s brought together the most sophisticated and successful individual investors — mavericks who don’t follow the herd, but rather search for valuable, unhedged and unbiased information.
This is why previous attendees will attest the New Orleans Conference has never failed to deliver stock picks that have doubled...tripled...even quadrupled in value during the weeks and months following the conference.
And whenever the metals and mining shares are in a bull market — as they may be beginning right now — the New Orleans Conference really shines.
Over our history, we’re known for showing investors how to shield their wealth during turbulent times…and how to build fortunes from the powerful strategies and specific picks our speakers provide in a gold bull market.
In fact, we’re able to offer something you won’t find at other investment events:
Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee
This opportunity is so important...and we’re so confident that the New Orleans Conference will pay for itself many times over...that we’ll offer you this ironclad guarantee:
If you attend New Orleans 2023 and don’t feel it was worth many times your cost to attend, just let us know within 30 days.
We’ll happily give you a prompt, hassle-free refund on your entire registration fee. Every penny.
You can’t lose!
Correction: You can lose...if you don’t act immediately to secure your place at New Orleans 2023.
But here’s the problem: Our registration fee is about to rise significantly, and we could completely sell out at any point.
So if you hope to get in at the current early-bird rate...and enjoy our exclusive money-back guarantee...
...You’ll need to call us at 1-800-648-8411 right now or click on this link to learn more and register:
To Register For New Orleans 2023
Given the dramatic turning point we’re facing in the markets, New Orleans 2023 could turn out to be the most profitable investment event in decades — perhaps in the entire 49-year history of the Conference.
The strategies and picks our celebrated speakers deliver could yield a fortune for you.
Or nothing if you don’t attend.
And here’s one other word of warning: We frequently sell out of every available hotel room for this event.
If you don’t act now, we can’t guarantee you’ll be able to attend — and reap the rewards New Orleans 2023 will give you — at all.
All you have to do is register now, while space is still available. And doing so couldn’t be easier. Just click on the link below…
Call Toll Free 1-800-648-8411
or visit
to secure your place now
NOTE: A very special benefit of the New Orleans Conference is our beautiful city itself. So in addition to world-class market intelligence, you’ll enjoy the wonderful, old-world charm of New Orleans, with the food, entertainment and joie de vivre that makes it America’s most interesting city.
And for this year’s conference, we’ll also bring the best of New Orleans to you, with gala celebrations...lavish meals...and spirited receptions throughout the event!