Even in markets run by Presidential tweets and Federal Reserve whims, there are a few irreversible trends that will make fortunes for investors.
Dozens of today’s top experts are going to provide the inside track to these trends at the world’s most exclusive and profitable investment event.
Stephen Moore, Kevin D. Williamson, Peter Schiff, Dennis Gartman, Doug Casey, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Peter Boockvar, Chris Martenson, Adam Taggart, Rick Rule, Ross Gerber, Brien Lundin and dozens more!
…And Featuring the Winner of the Triple Crown in Economics:MARK SKOUSEN

Named one of the “Top 20 Living Economists,” Dr. Skousen is a professional economist, investment expert, university professor, and author of more than 25 books.
For well over four decades — through some of the most turbulent and dangerous times in investing — the record shows there is no better place to find profits and safety than the legendary New Orleans Investment Conference.
But this year’s blockbuster event is destined to be one of the most rewarding in our 45-year history.
Why? Because while most investors are being whip-sawed by President Trump’s tweets and Federal Reserve tea leaves, you’ll get the inside track on a few powerful, irreversible trends that will create fortunes in the months ahead.
Consider these mega-trends in progress at this very moment:
“Easy Money Forever” Means Much Higher Prices
The New Orleans Conference has led more investors to profits in gold than any other event in the world.
In fact, our organization was instrumental in getting gold ownership legalized in 1974…and our first conference was specifically held to teach investors how to buy the metal!
Today finds the world’s central bankers locked into an “easy money forever” mode that is extremely bullish for gold.
This is no idle speculation: The Fed recently gave up on rate hikes and is now expected to actually begin cutting rates in the near future.

This should propel metals prices much higher — so we’re once again bringing the most successful gold experts to New Orleans.
You’ll get the top strategies and picks of Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Brien Lundin, Adrian Day, Brent Cook, Byron King, Chris Powell, Gerardo Del Real, Gwen Preston, Lobo Tiggre, Thom Calandra, Omar Ayales, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden, Dana Samuelson and more.
Green Fever In Cannabis
Fortunes are being made right now in the booming cannabis sector…but many investors are wondering how to get involved — and how to avoid the inevitable busts in this quickly evolving industry.
Have no fear, as New Orleans 2019 is featuring the experts who are finding the biggest winners, including Sean Brodrick of Marijuana Millionaires…Matt Carr of the Oxford Club…and Nick Hodge of Outsider Club.
They’ll not only show you the specific cannabis sub-sectors that will be the long-term winners, but they’ll also reveal their hottest picks in this red-hot arena.
The Future Is Now:
Artificial Intelligence, Energy Metals, FinTech
And Other Juggernaut Trends
We live in an amazing world of lightning-fast technological transformation.
Artificial intelligence is already taking control of many areas of society and our economy.
The electrification of transportation will completely change how we travel and place huge strains on supplies of a few key metals and materials.
The very foundations of finance are being rebuilt thanks to blockchain technology and crypto currencies, creating huge opportunities for profit (along with some real dangers).
Other powerful trends — all with their own potential rewards and risks — include clean energy, e-sports, streaming media and 5G and more.
We’re going to address all of these, and more, at New Orleans 2019. Noted technology financier Ross Gerber…plus the world’s leading energy metals expert, Simon Moores…and the Oxford Club’s tech expert Matt Carr will explore the opportunities in all of these powerful trends.
They’ll also join Nick Hodge on our inaugural panel, “The Next Big Thing(s)” to discuss every aspect of today’s rapidly shifting tech landscape.
And none other than the acclaimed “Real Estate Guys” — Russ Gray and Robert Helms — will give us a soup-to-nuts review of opportunities in real estate, from multi-family to luxury resort to assisted living and more.
Plus: The cutting-edge Peak Prosperity team of Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart will examine key trends in energy, the economy, the environment and technology that threaten our quality of life, and how you can prepare for them.
Geo-Political And Market Trends
That Could Make Or Break You
Who could have predicted Donald Trump’s victory and the resulting market turn-around? Our speakers in New Orleans, of course.
The fact is, from Lady Margaret Thatcher to Ayn Rand to Henry Kissinger to Milton Friedman to Alan Greenspan to Ron Paul and more, the New Orleans Conference has a long history of attracting insightful…even legendary…figures on the geopolitical and economic stages.
This year is no exception as we’re bringing in Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore…controversial political commentator Kevin D. Williamson…famed contrarian Doug Casey…Fed expert Danielle DiMartino Booth…respected contrarian advisor Peter Boockvar…popular trading authority Dennis Gartman…
…PLUS renowned experts like Adrian Day, Mike Larson, Robert Prechter, Steven Hochberg and more.

The Key To Finding Profits AND Safety Today
As a serious investor, you’re well aware of the unique challenges presented by today’s markets.
- Interest rates are still near 5,000-year lows.
- The federal debt continues to explode in size.
- Equity valuations are in a screaming danger zone near record highs.
- The Fed is painted into a corner with no choice but to lower rates and, eventually, begin printing money once again.
- And thanks to all of this, gold is rallying, seemingly in the beginning stages of another epic run.
With all of this, and more, going on, many investors are caught like deer in the headlights, unsure of which way to turn.
But a few others are quietly confident, taking comfort in one unassailable fact:
This is what the New Orleans Conference
was built for.
In our 45-year history, the New Orleans Investment Conference has never failed to deliver rich returns (and wealth-protecting strategies) during times of market uncertainty.
It’s why — as you’ll see in a moment — we can guarantee investors will quadruple their investment in the event.
You see, it’s not unusual to see stocks recommended at the Conference double…triple…even multiply 10, 20 and more times in value in the days and weeks afterward.
That’s because the New Orleans Conference is the most important investment gathering of the year, and brings together the brightest, most successful analysts and investors.

How special is this event?
- It’s attracted dozens of the most celebrated figures in modern history, including Lady Margaret Thatcher, Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Barry Goldwater, Steve Forbes, Henry Kissinger, Ron Paul and more.
- It boasts a reputation of inviting only the most successful and deadly-accurate analysts — many of whom save their best recommendations to unveil on our stage.
- It’s brought together the most sophisticated and successful individual investors — mavericks who don’t follow the herd, but rather search for valuable, unhedged and unbiased information.
This is why previous attendees will attest the New Orleans Conference has never failed to deliver stock picks that have doubled…tripled…even quadrupled in value during the weeks and months following the conference.
But many of our picks do much better.
FACT: A number of stocks recommended at recent Conferences have gone on to multiply over 20 times in value — enough to turn a modest $5,000 investment into a whopping $100,000…or $25,000 into half a million dollars.
And whenever the metals and mining shares are in a bull market — as they may be beginning right now — the New Orleans Conference really shines.
Over our history, we’re known for showing investors how to shield their wealth during turbulent times…and how to build fortunes from the powerful strategies and specific picks our speakers provide in a gold bull market.
In fact…
We’ll Guarantee That
You’ll Quadruple Your Investment
This opportunity is so important…and we’re so confident that the New Orleans Conference will pay for itself many times over…that we’ll offer you this ironclad guarantee:
If you attend New Orleans 2019 and don’t make back at least four times the money you paid to register — in six months or less — just let us know.
We’ll happily give you a prompt, hassle-free refund on your entire registration fee. Every penny.
You can’t lose!
Correction: You can lose…if you don’t act immediately to secure your place at New Orleans 2019.
But here’s the problem: Our registration fee is about to rise significantly, and we could completely sell out at any point.
So if you hope to get in at the current early-bird rate…and enjoy our quadruple-your-money-or-it’s FREE guarantee…
…You’ll need to call us at 1-800-648-8411 right now or click on this link to learn more and register:
To Register For New Orleans 2019
Given the dramatic turning point we’re facing in the markets, New Orleans 2019 could turn out to be the most profitable investment event in decades — perhaps in the entire 45-year history of the Conference.
The strategies and picks our celebrated speakers deliver could yield a fortune for you.
Or nothing if you don’t attend.
And here’s one other word of warning: We frequently sell out of every available hotel room for this event.
If you don’t act now, we can’t guarantee you’ll be able to attend — and reap the rewards New Orleans 2019 will give you — at all.
All you have to do is register now, while space is still available. And doing so couldn’t be easier. Just click on the link below…
Call Toll Free 800-648-8411
or visit www.neworleansconference.com
to secure your place now
NOTE: A very special benefit of the New Orleans Conference is our beautiful city itself. So in addition to world-class market intelligence, you’ll enjoy the wonderful, old-world charm of New Orleans, with the food, entertainment and joie de vivre that makes it America’s most interesting city.

And for this year’s conference, we’ll also bring the best of New Orleans to you, with gala celebrations and receptions throughout the event!
FINAL NOTE: Here’s one more, last-minute opportunity: If you can register right now — while this limited offer is in effect — we’ll give you a FREE Gold Club Upgrade for you and your guests.
A $189/person value, your Gold Club status will entitle you to a special private viewing room with day-long coffee service, exclusive Q&A sessions with selected speakers following their presentations…
…special reports and investment information exclusively for you…and deep discounts on conference audio and video recordings and other valuable investment products.
But here’s the catch: Space is limited, and we cannot guarantee availability.
To claim your Gold Club status, be sure to act immediately and enter the promotional code FREEGOLDCLUB when you register.
Call Toll Free 800-648-8411
or visit www.neworleansconference.com
to secure your place now
